Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| February 23, 2019 12:00 AM

Len Golding: Your questioning of Nancy Pelosi’s qualifications as Speaker of the House screams your misogynistic and political bias. To answer your question, Speaker Pelosi graduated from Trinity College in Washington, D.C. with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science. She has served in Congress for over 32 years and is extremely experienced and politically savvy.

What was former Speaker, Paul Ryan’s experience and accomplishments during his tenure? As a convert to Trumpism, he deflected, obstructed and obfuscated any real progress the Dems were trying to make to move this country forward, not only during this administration but during the Obama era as well. He left (ran away, really) office in disgrace and even the people of his own state of Wisconsin disowned him and were embarrassed by his “performance.”

And, as long as you’re questioning political qualifications, you might want to delve in-depth into the education, experience and “accomplishments” of your current president. Paul Ryan was an embarrassment to Wisconsin and Congress. The current POTUS is a traitor to America and is a shameful example of what a real president with political knowledge, integrity and faithfulness to our country should be.

So much disinformation and bias is spread throughout our country because people are too lazy to research, get the facts and make their own judgments. Instead, they listen to someone like you … or faux news.

