Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| February 28, 2019 12:00 AM

This levy is a wish list, a starting point for future higher levies.

Look at how many times the levy has increased since its inception (nine). Look at the total percentage of the increases (770 percent). Then look at how many times any levy was less than the previous one: never.

I’m not against supplemental levies, but I am against this one as presented because it is not fiscally responsible. We, the people, need to demand fiscal responsibility by voting against it and have the school board come up with a leaner levy that does not increase what we are presently paying.

For one thing, all indicators are there that the Legislature and the Governor have made education funding their highest priority this year. A sizeable state funding increase is expected. Why run a record-high levy?

Secondly, stop threatening us with closing down the rural schools; fiscal responsibility will prevent that.

And third, if you want our vote for the hefty facilities levy you’re already preparing, drop the supplemental levy amount first.

Teachers, staff, and parents, please don’t be led like lemmings; have the courage and diligence to study this issue. Like the “Green New Deal”, we can’t afford it.

And in answer to Mr. Thacker’s letter, I never attended public school until college. I volunteered in all my six kids’ classes, held leadership roles in local and district committees, ran for school board twice, and volunteered in my two great-grandchildren’s classes at Hope Elementary for six years. I support and fight for our children’s education and their responsible funding.


Clark Fork