Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| January 1, 2019 12:00 AM

The American white man is an endangered species. What the Trump “make America great again” is all about is preserving white privilege and keeping people of color under the white man’s thumb.

The American white man is terrified about the fact that he has become a minority. I know the prospect scares them silly, which is why it was fear of that, that made ‘em vote for Trump.

What we see going on in Wisconsin and Michigan and has gone on in N.Carolina and Ohio, by Republicans, illustrates that the GOP is desperate to hang on to white privilege and power, making it a party of, by and for racists. The GOP knows that they can only hold onto power by cheating.

By the way, some of the worst racists I know, think and say they are not.

Trump is the white man’s last gasp and it has become very clear he is a racist as are many of his policies.

If the migrants at our southern border were Norwegians, Trump would not be talking about a wall, he would be inviting them in.

According to a friend who visited Norway last summer, the Norwegians consider Trump a very bad joke. Why would they want to leave a country, that is considered (thanks to socialism) the happiest in the world, to live under someone like Trump? Norwegians are not stupid!

