Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| January 10, 2019 12:00 AM

In her letter “Sandpoint doesn’t need to be a ‘smart city’ ” (Dec. 16, Daily Bee), Anne Chamberlain expressed concerns about 5G technology, which is likely coming soon to a street corner near you. Unfortunately, with the apparent “need for speed,” this technology is moving forward with very limited (though concerning) research on human health effects.

While the move from 3G to 4G involved faster speeds with the same technology (low frequency radio waves below 6GHzs), 5G is a whole different animal (high frequency radio waves 30-300 GHzs). It’s being promoted as simply much faster (and myriad tech and utility companies have invested billions in its implementation), but the much higher frequencies generate huge concerns for human beings (especially children). Local communities must understand and review 5G technology before jumping on the “faster is better” bandwagon.

To learn more about these concerns, please read this article: and view this TED talk: Use Google’s Advanced Search feature to find .gov and .org articles about 5G technology whose focus is public health rather than enhanced profit (avoid .com and .net).

I hope that the city of Sandpoint carefully researches 5G before moving forward to expose area residents to potentially dangerous high-frequency radiation. Health and public safety should absolutely overrule greed and speed.

