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Family disputes Clagstone killing was justifiable

News editor | January 16, 2019 12:00 AM

PRIEST RIVER — Friends and family are vigorously disputing Bonner County authorities’ ruling that a homicide in Clagstone last fall was justifiable.

Joshua Matthew Cole, 39, was shot to death by Jimila Hall, 41, during a confrontation in the 100 block of Rebel Ridge Road on Oct. 12, 2018. Those appear to be the only facts that are not in dispute following the deadly clash in southwestern Bonner County.

A sheriff’s investigation into the shooting determined that Cole confronted Robert Johnson as he drove to Hall’s residence. Cole allegedly exposed himself and made an obscene hand gesture at his family, prompting Johnson to reverse his vehicle in search of safety. Cole, officials said, chased the vehicle.

The commotion drew the attention of Hall and her 70-year-old mother, who went outside to investigate, according to sheriff’s officials. Hall armed herself with a pistol and a baseball bat. Hall told investigators that Cole advanced on her in a menacing manner and she raised the bat and yelled at him to get away.

Cole did not relent, which resulted in Hall’s mother throwing rocks at Cole in attempt to halt his advance, according to the sheriff’s investigation. Cole allegedly turned his attention to the elderly woman, which prompted Hall to open fire on Cole, who was mortally wounded by a gunshot wound to the chest cavity.

Bonner County Prosecutor Louis Marshall determined earlier this month that Hall’s actions were justified given the circumstances. Hall’s decision to arm herself with a bat and her efforts save Cole’s life by calling 911 and performing life-saving measures until help arrived informed Marshall’s determination that she did not intend to kill Cole.

Marshall determined Cole’s intoxication, erratic behavior and aggression gave Hall a well-founded fear that violence was imminent.

But Cole’s supporters painted Hall as the aggressor. They contend Cole was getting tools from a neighbor of Hall’s and said he was chased and pelted with rocks.

Moreover, they point to an autopsy report which indicates Cole was shot in the back rather than the chest.

Supporters of Cole have argued that authorities rushed to judgment in the case due to his tattoos and background and that the aggression against him may have been rooted in an earlier confrontation.

“She killed him. He was not armed and he was not even thinking about (Hall) when she started chasing him down,” Robyn Forest, Cole’s aunt, said in an email to the Daily Bee.

Keith Kinnaird can be reached by email at and follow him on Twitter @KeithDailyBee.