Saturday, June 01, 2024

We are each a unique publication of God

by Mitchell Treece
| January 18, 2019 12:00 AM

Technology is always updating. Just this morning three of the apps on my phone needed to be updated, and my computer is blinking at me to update it. This can get annoying.

All the technology we have is run by programs. Each program is made up of codes that tell the program what to do, kind of like pieces in a complex machine. When there are problems or additions to the code, designers send out updates. Programs and coding is complex, created by smart people.

When I read recently that all of Google’s programs put together rely on 2 billion lines of code, my mind was blown! Google’s search engine, apps, maps, YouTube, Gmail, etc. … all put together in one. If we were to print out a stack of paper with all these lines of code it would be about 2.2 miles tall! That is a lot of information!

Even more perplexing, more amazing, is that in the nucleus of every human cell, there are 3 billion base pairs of DNA from the original “coder”... God. Complexity requires an intelligent designer behind it. We are each a one time publication of an infinite God, each a different combination of biological code, unique.

Psalm 139:13-14 says, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb, I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

God made you, he knows you intimately and he wants to have a relationship with you through his Son, Jesus.

Mitchell Treece is the youth director at First Baptist Church in Sandpoint.