Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| January 29, 2019 12:00 AM

“Elect a clown, expect a circus” — said a recent bumper sticker. And it certainly is true.

That’s what we got from our president, who while losing the popular election by three million votes, won the electoral college with narrow wins in Michigan and Wisconsin — aided by a Russian misinformation campaign that infiltrated our social media..

In addition to losing half of his cabinet to resignations and firings in his first two years, he engineered a shutdown of one half of the federal government, insisting on building an expensive wall — that would not do anything to prevent drugs from coming into this country — and which is opposed by 60 percent of his countrymen.

He has insulted our allies, threatening our defense alignments and rewarding his friend Putin in Russia. It turns out he had been pursuing a Moscow real estate deal for decades up until the 2016 election.

Fortunately, due to his actions, the people spoke out clearly, with his party losing the House of Representatives. Perhaps the clown will soon be gone, along with his circus.

