Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| January 29, 2019 12:00 AM

Steve Brixen’s recent letter stating that people go to Congress for power, money and reelection is hilarious. Sounds like a page out of the Republican handbook. (Not that Democrats are little angels either).

He also addresses Trump haters, telling us to step back and take a breath. Until Jan. 3, most of those 535 members of Congress where he says blame belongs were from his precious Republican party.

He also states that Trump was our duly elected president. Uh, he was installed against the will of nearly 3 million people who voted for his opponent by the antiquated electoral collage. He was the second Republican installed like this in the last five elections. On the other hand, the Democrats who were elected president won handily in both the electoral collage AND the popular vote — Bill Clinton and Obama both times.

Mr. Brixen and others like him are the ones needing to grow up. They were Obama haters, so turnabout is fair play. It was also the current so-called president who was the instigator of the birther movement. So Steve, when it comes to hating someone you didn’t vote for, go look in the mirror. Your line of nonsense belays your closing facilitation of blessing America and our troops at the end of all your letters. You talk the talk, but you don’t walk the walk. Being a patriot is more than waving the flag and worshiping the Second Amendment.

