Saturday, June 01, 2024

Climate change talk was a three-ring circus

| January 29, 2019 12:00 AM

A regular three-ring circus blew through town recently, complete with a carnival barker, an amusing sideshow, and a naive audience who seemed unaware of the intellectual sleight-of-hand which held them breathless. There were no banners, no tents, no sawdust on the floor of the SHS auditorium, yet it was a show for the ages.

I’m referring to the Citizens Climate Lobby’s “Big Carbon Fix” which featured a “world renown climate scientist” held at the high school on Jan. 16. The carnival barker cum climate scientist was unable to pinpoint exactly where the climate was actually changing anywhere on the planet, but facts seemed not to matter in his presentation which consisted of a boring recitation of charts and graphs of dubious accuracy, complete with computer-modeled projections spelling doom and gloom for us all.

Hidden in the presentation was the old socialist/communist dream of a crippled U.S. economy under the guise of eliminating carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by a severe restriction on the burning of fossil fuel. The sideshow consisted of a poster contest for students who showed an astounding lack of critical thinking in their nicely done artwork.

While focusing on an improbable future calamity, the carnival barker “scientist” ignored the ongoing reality which currently affects all life on Earth: heavy metal poisoning. For the last 30 years, electrically conductive heavy metals in the form of nanoparticles have been dumped into the atmosphere on a global scale by the military industrial complex (Weisbach Stratospheric Seeding) in effect weaponizing the Earth for military purposes. Yet, the demonization of carbon remains a provable fraud, while no mention is made in the mainstream media of mankind’s greatest environmental disaster: “geoengineering” the planet.

Quoting from a 750-page U.S. Senate Report issued in 1978, Chapter 5, written by Robert E. Morrison, specialist in earth sciences, Science Policy Research Division, Congressional Research Division, “The federal government has been involved for over 30 years in a number of aspects of weather modification, through activities of both Congress and the executive branch.”

As a result, the downstream consequences have been horrific. NBC News: “Scientists discover jaw-dropping levels of heavy metals found in whales.” Scientific American: “Autism risk linked to particulate air pollution.” The Guardian: “Dementia and Alzheimer’s become Britain’s biggest killer.” Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition “Aluminum contents of human milk, cow’s milk, and infant formula.” Able to break the brain/blood barrier, these heavy metal nanoparticles are in out hair, our urine, and in our blood. Interested? Read “Under an Ionized Sky” by Elana Freeland, available at the library.

