Saturday, June 01, 2024

Together, we are 50, one nation under God

by Carol Shirk Knapp Contributing Writer
| July 3, 2019 1:00 AM

I, America, am not getting any younger.

The Declaration of Independence of the United States dated me into existence on July 4, 1776. Those 56 men who eventually signed held high hopes for me. Women didn’t have much voice in those days. A bit confusing because I’m always called “she” and “her” whenever anyone refers to me with a pronoun.

For an old girl of 243 years I’ve done all right. I have to say I feel vibrant as ever. There’s always something new brewing on my horizon. Dreams for making me even better. And that’s quite okay with me. I’ve never intended to present myself as perfect. I think the term is “work in progress.”

I’ve come far since the Founding Fathers took the big risk and signed their declaration. I didn’t just happen. No, people had to suffer and sorrow and die. If you want the truth, it distresses me to open my ground to those who make the ultimate sacrifice. Not only in war, but the ones who take a stand for the good of my people in other ways. Without all these I’d be nothing. Just some pretty scenery.

It should come as no surprise that I, in my purest form, do not play the favorites game. My call to freedom is about “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for all humankind. But that’s been under siege since Day 1. Where I see the trouble spot is the different attachments people give these words. I’ll say it plain. I get tied in knots over all the in-fighting. I mean we have something special going on here. From all parts of the earth for generations they’ve been coming. People reaching for freedom like it is air for gasping lungs.

Anyone with a pack of children knows they don’t always get along. They need love, they need discipline. They have to learn to be stewards of the family. It’s not so different for me with my states. They each have a personality, an individuality, but they are mine. Together we are 50. One nation. Under God. I’ve always liked that part. I hope it stays in the pledge.

I am not God. I have to break this news to folks who think I’ll solve their every problem, provide their every need, get everything right all the time. I’ve had great success — just don’t make me God. I’m still learning. I have regrets. I can’t read the future.

But I tell you what. There’s not a flag that flies — the Stars and Stripes waving all across my land — that doesn’t fill me to bursting with hope. My eyes get to shining so bright I think I must light up the world.