Saturday, June 01, 2024

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| July 11, 2019 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin July 11, 1969 — 4-H CLUB WINS TROPHY

July 4 was exciting for members and parents of the Schweitzer Valley Dwellers 4-H Club, which won a trophy and $25 as the best mounted group in the July 4th parade. In costumes representing various countries of the world, their theme was “Universal Friendship Through Horsemanship.”

Carrying a banner designed by Mrs. Carol Pietsch were Mike Misner, (4-H boy); Chris Pietsch and Jack Lewis (American cowboys), and Laurie Tibbs and Danny Riffle (Switzerland).

In the mounted group were Virginia Tibbs, (England); Barbara and Jimmy Tibbs, (American Indians); Laurel Berger, (Chinese); Marianne Brown, (Russian Cossack); Dave Balch, (Arabian); Connie Roberson, (Spaniard); Jaye Pietsch, (Mexico), and Kim and Mardette Lewis, (Canada and Argentina, respectively).



St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Eugene, Ore., was the setting for the June 23 wedding of Emily Jane Ziolkoski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ziolkoski of Eugene, and Paul Edward McGregor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGregor of Hope.

For the cross country wedding trip to their new home in Fort Bragg, N.C., the new Mrs. McGregor chose a blue and white costume with blue accessories and the orchid from her wedding bouquet. The groom is a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army and following his discharge, they will return to Hope to make their home. The bride is a graduate of Mt. Angel College in Mt. Angel, Ore.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

July 11, 1919 — LARGEST CROWD EVER

On the first anniversary of the first shot fired by Battery C in the great war, Bonner county today honored her returning soldiers with the greatest celebration ever pulled off for the largest crowd ever assembled in Sandpoint. Sometime between now and Saturday morning, she will send home the best pleased lot of people ever assembled for a public event in this part of the country.



In order to give its readers a report of the celebration, the Review does not go to press this week until Saturday noon. That fact, we hope, will apologize for our lateness in getting the paper to our readers this week.



When the celebration committee fixed the date for a Friday and announced a dinner for the soldiers with chicken and trimmings, it was without thought that the Catholic soldiers would have to refrain when it came to the meats on the bill of fare. However, Rev. Fr. Kelly took care of that detail and last week received a special dispensation from Bishop Gorman at Boise which permitted the Catholic boys to partake of meat at the soldier dinner today.

For more information, visit the museum online at