Saturday, June 01, 2024

First Presbyterian hosts Hildegard presentations

| July 12, 2019 1:00 AM

On Friday, July 26, the community is invited to take advantage of a free evening presentation to experience and learn about 12th century mystic Hildegard von Bingen. Facilitator, Robin Garner, EdD, will introduce Hildegard and her impact on the world. Garner will share samplings of Hildegard’s music, visions, poetry, art and chants. The Friday night experiential presentation could be called “The mystery of God hugs you in its all-encompassing arms”, said Garner.

In addition, the First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint is pleased to host an all-day Saturday retreat called, “Hildegard von Bingen: Mystic, Musician, Theologian, Artist, Scientist, Preacher” on July 27. Garner has made an extensive study of Hildegard’s life and times. Not only is Garner an expert, she also is an accomplished performer of Hildegard’s unique compositions. Ms Garner has accepted the invitation to come from South Carolina to share in this amazing opportunity to experience this level of understanding of Hildegard. Saturday includes a labyrinth walk and lunch.

Who is Hildegard von Bingen? Hildegard von Bingen was born to a noble family in Germany in 1098 and at a young age was given to the church as a tithe. This 12th century female figure captured the world in which she lived with her profound ideas regarding our humanity and our relationship with the Divine. She wrote musical compositions and chants, had visions she expressed in paintings, she contributed medical writings and sermons. “The invitation is to explore how Hildegard’s life, music and writings are not merely something of the past, but also significant forces for creativity and devotion in the 21st century”, said Ms Garner. “Join in the experience of Hildegard’s fascinating music, her deep and influential spirituality and how the two are inextricably linked.”

The free presentation to the community is set for Friday, July 26, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. The retreat on Saturday, July 27, is by registration with a suggested donation of $55.00 and scholarships are available. All are invited to worship on Sunday, July 28, where Ms. Garner will perform special music.

First Presbyterian Church is located at 417 N Fourth Ave. Contact Judy at or 208-290-3119 to register. Visit the church website at or facebook First Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint.