Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| July 14, 2019 1:00 AM

In June the Bee ran a letter where I stated that “climate crises deniers are motivated by fear.”

A greater motivation driving these climate change deniers is their hate of anything they view as being a liberal cause.

Something could be the greatest thing for these deniers, but because they’re so polarized, and if they see it as being a liberal cause, they will reject it. Cut off the nose to spite the face.

Climate change deniers cherry pick real science for that which agrees with their belief system, but fake science is where they get most of the reinforcement they desperately need for this belief system.

The fake science the climate change deniers quote is mostly funded by corporate interests whose goal is to discredit the real science behind the climate crises.

Climate change deniers, can you explain the sea level rise, California’s year long wildfire season, 115° F in France, the historic heat wave in Alaska, the blizzard of tornados this year?

Climate change deniers should read the article “The Weather Amplifier” in the March 2019 issue of Scientific American. It is real science and not a climate change denier’s belief system.

The article explains what is happening with the jet stream and why Europe, Alaska, etc. are having historic heat waves.

BTW, Republicans and conservatives consider the 1950s to be the golden age of America. This is ironic as during this decade taxes on the wealthy were as high as 90 percent. However, they got tax breaks for investing in America.

