Saturday, June 01, 2024

Local lawmakers' decisions are normalizing gun violence

| July 28, 2019 1:00 AM

There were two more accounts of gun violence in the July 6, 2019, Bonner County Daily Bee.

Get used to it folks. Guns are now a part of Idaho society thanks to your elected lawmakers who put in place the laws for citizens to pack a concealed weapon, without requiring a permit indicating you have at least a rudimentary knowledge of how to use it.

Then in their infinite wisdom lowered the minimum age to pack a weapon from 21 to 18 years old. We all remember how mature we were at age 18, don’t we?

Here’s the thing: Instead of cursing and giving the finger during road rage, now one can pull out and fire their weapon. During late night drinking sessions and arguments, if fists are your weapon there is a fist fight.

If you have a knife that becomes your weapon of choice. But if your concealed weapon with no permit is handy, now you really are the man.

Get used to it folks, we haven’t heard the last of this idiocy.

And an automatic rifle that can fire 30 rounds in one tenth of a second, don’t get me started. A topic for another day.

