Saturday, June 01, 2024

Climate change deniers are motivated by fear

| June 2, 2019 1:00 AM

Climate crises deniers are motivated by fear. The idea of climate change terrifies ’em. It is because of this fear that they react irrationally to the overwhelming scientific evidence for climate change. Because of fear, the climate crises deniers can’t help themselves.

This reminds me of the uniformitarianism versus catastrophism debate from decades ago.

In the early years of Darwinism there were two factions, the uniformitarians and the catastrophists. The uniformitarians believed that natural change (especially geologic) is a very gradual process over millions of years. The catastrophists added that there are also sudden changes brought about by global catastrophe, e.g., an asteroid hitting the Earth. The catastrophists eventually won the argument as much evidence to support their position came to light.

The uniformitarians were clinging to their beliefs as recently as 50 years ago.

Why, when so much evidence was being unearthed, did the uniformitarians cling to their beliefs?

Fear was the uniformitarians motivation for the resistance they had for catastrophic changes to our planet. It is a scary idea that all life on this planet can be changed forever in seconds, minutes, hours, days or just a few years.

It is now known that this has happened to the Earth many times, and it is just a matter of time before it happens again.

By their very nature conservatives fear change. It is because of this fear of change (unknown) that they resist the truth of the climate crises we are in.

