Saturday, June 01, 2024

Off-road motorcycles are not good for hillside, environment

| June 2, 2019 1:00 AM

It’s been a while since I’ve laughed as hard as I am now about the off-road motorcycle park being developed by the Idaho Department of Lands on Gold Hill. The flier posted on a tree in the new parking area states this development will reduce erosion. What? Motorcycles on hillsides prevent erosion?

I was informed by an off-road enthusiast that the local motorcycle group supporting this development would self police the area to prevent the construction of unauthorized trails and riding off of the designated trail system. Several years ago a member of this group was caught, convicted, and fined for building unauthorized trails in this same vicinity. It’s a very large area and motorcycles are fast and hard to catch on or off the trail system. And when, or if, caught, what’s the penalty to be imposed by a fellow enthusiast?

As the parking lot was being developed, green logging slash was piled for disposal. Shortly thereafter on a wet, rainy day, the Department of Lands attempted to burn the pile. Green slash, wet, rainy day. Go look. The results are obvious. They didn’t think that one all the way through.

But it was enlightening to recently read that once the pit toilet is in place, enthusiasts at the top of the mountain will ride down to take advantage rather than find a convenient tree.

I’m sure the saga will continue. Keep it up. It’s good for a laugh, but off-road motorcycles are not good for the hillside.

