Saturday, June 01, 2024

Rich Harter hits hole-in-one at The Idaho Club's fourth hole

by Kyle Cajero Sports Editor
| June 11, 2019 1:00 AM

Rich Harter is already a well-known figure at The Idaho Club, but the legend of Rich Harter grew a bit more on Monday afternoon.

Playing against the wind, Harter sank a hole-in-one with his pitching wedge on Hole 4 during The Idaho Club’s Monday Men’s Club regular-season action.

Buz Levy and Tom Thornton witnessed the 117-yard shot.

In addition to the ace, Harter sank four birdies and finished with a 75 while playing a mix of white and blue tees on a one-stroke handicap.

Harter is also the defending men’s champion at the Idaho Club, which he won by carding an 84-77-161 last August.