Saturday, June 01, 2024

Getting organized can help get your life in order

| June 12, 2019 1:00 AM

Is your life full of mass chaos on a daily basis?

Your bathroom needs cleaning, kids are screaming for attention, your boss expects you to work longer hours with the same salary and your car mysteriously has a strange clanking sound that you hear but the mechanic can’t seem to locate. I think it is time you get organized and pull your life and yourself together.

I’m not talking about your shirts hung by color and season in your closet.

Instead, I am talking about a much larger area of your life that could benefit from a formal planned structure, coordination and direction.

When an area of your life is organized, it runs a little smoother and often with less hiccups. Take my word for it.

Make the decision and see what happens.

Exercise is an excellent example of how organization can lead you toward your goals. You can’t show up to your workouts a few times a week and expect to have an incredible physique a few months later.

In order to achieve great results, you need to show up every day and make it matter! Which means, in “Nat” lingo, hit the weights and cardio with gusto! Sweat every day!

Getting organized and having a plan works the same in the gym as it does out of the gym. Don’t allow distractions to derail you.

Whatever your goals in life may be, dig deep and find the determination to “get there”. Do not let life pass you by any longer! Set fear of failure aside! If you do nothing for sixty minutes or do something for sixty minutes, regardless, it all equals an hour of time that has passed by.

What are you going to do, nothing or something?

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness professional and can be reached at