Saturday, June 01, 2024

You can't deny something that doesn't exist

| June 16, 2019 1:00 AM

The rules of debate state that the one making a claim has the obligation to prove it.

Terry Hansen and Lee Santa have recently claimed that conservatives deny a climate crisis because they are afraid of it, but where is the proof of their claim? Common sense dictates that a person should not be afraid of something they don’t even believe in, so why should conservatives be afraid of a non-existent crisis? If there is no bogeyman, why bother looking under our beds at night? Truth is, the liberals are the ones who are afraid and they want everyone else to be afraid along with them. It’s the Chicken Little syndrome.

Jack DeBaun prefers to cling to his straw man fallacies rather than prove his claims about carbon dioxide. He would rather attack the messengers (another logical fallacy) than deal with the evidence they present. His “bottom of the barrel” comments refer to anything which doesn’t fit his preconceived notions. We are still waiting for him to prove that CO2 cannot escape our atmosphere and that it will usher in the next great extinction. Without proof to support his claims, those claims are just so much hot air, the very thing that liberals themselves fear.

So far the only thing the climate change fanatics have proven is that they are closed-minded when it comes to truth. What is needed is a return to common sense, logic, and sound reason.

