Saturday, June 01, 2024

Most dangerous place for children is the womb

| June 25, 2019 1:00 AM

Do you know what is the most dangerous place for children? It’s in the womb.

Since 1973 60 million babies have been killed by abortion. Much coverage has been given locally in the Daily Bee and KREM 2 News about a neglected pit bull pup in Florida and Canadian geese on the city beach. Veternarians were considering euthanizing the pup, but a local couple drove 2300 miles to get it and bring it home. That is their right, but I’m thinking about all the publicity about the pup.

About the geese: which comes first -- 100 geese taking over the beach, or adults and kids being able to enjoy it without stepping or sitting on goose droppings?

One writer said, “the suffering and taking of life of innumerable geese is a high price to pay because of inconvenience to people.”

The same can be applied to the wholesale murder of unborn babies: “the suffering and taking of life of innumerable” babies “is a high price to pay because” it’s “inconvenient” to women.

In a sonogram shown on television of an abortion, a chemical was injected into a womb, and a tiny baby was struggling to the other side of the mother’s womb, desperately trying to escape. The baby’s mouth was open and he, or she, was crying! I can hardly stand to think of that without crying myself.

But we’d rather think about something more pleasant and politically correct, like being kind to animals. Abut ten years ago the late pastor James Kennedy said, “Almost 50 million babies have been murdered by abortion, and 300,000 pulpits were silent.”

Where are the news stories about those babies? Who’s speaking out for them?

