Saturday, June 01, 2024

Beware of nasty toxins creeping into your food

| June 26, 2019 1:00 AM

You may be surprised to realize how many toxins are getting into your body, without you even knowing it.

Colorful packaging and a deceptive marketing strategy fills our grocery store shelves without your knowledge. Sneaky and horrible.

You are probably like most Americans and “trust” what you are eating is healthy and good for you. You could not be further from the truth.

If you don’t read labels and pay attention to what passes your lips, you are setting yourself up for a toxic overload. Trust me, that is one thing you do not need and surprisingly is easily avoidable.

Stay away from processed meats like bacon, hot dogs, and sausage. Sodium nitrate accounts for their appetizing red hue, but this additive can also cause the formation of nitrosamines

in your body, which can lead to cancer. Yuck.

Only drink milk that says “no rBGH” on the carton. Recombinant bovine growth hormone has been linked with breast cancer. A healthier option for you would be unsweetened soy, nut or rice milk.

Skip the diet soda and artificial sweeteners. Aspartame, a neurotoxic chemical additive in these products, can lead to nerve cell damage, dizziness, and headaches. Anything ingested that has been linked to brain tumors in rats, in my humble little opinion, should be avoided at all costs.

Stay away from artificially-colored foods like candy, maraschino cherries and gelatin. Mice and rats exposed to blue 1 and 2, red 3 and yellow 6 suffered from brain, adrenal gland, thyroid, and kidney tumors. Read your labels, people. You will be shocked at how many toxins you and your children are exposed to.

Always buy organic produce. This one is a no-brainer, but the list wouldn’t be complete without it. Lingering pesticides can lead to nervous and reproductive system damage, not to mention cancer.

Enjoy your picnics and as always … watch what you eat.

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness professional and can be reached at