Saturday, June 01, 2024

Is it time for you to take a gut check?

by Pastor Bruce Macek
| March 1, 2019 12:00 AM

Like many couples our age, my wife and I have traded kids at home now for a dog named Pete. As our kids taught us much so too, to my surprise, has our dog.

Pete’s got his faults but one of his greatest assets is being able to do his duty outside most consistently. So it was with much surprise when I went for my morning cup of coffee the other day and lo and behold there was a Pete mess on the floor. Convinced he was the only dog that had ever done that sort of thing, I immediately showed my displeasure. Certainly this wasn’t a result of giving him some leftovers the night before.

Meanwhile he retreats to his dog bed and avoids eye contact. Seeing how effective my cold shoulder was, showing him my disappointment, I continued with the treatment. He should have been able to unlock the door and let himself out in the middle of the night, right? Him wanting me to pet him and show the usual attention went unmet through the morning.

While sitting and ignoring our needy little dog a thought came to mind that might as well had come from our blaring TV. “I’m sure glad my Heavenly Father doesn’t treat me this way when I make a mess of things.” Rather, in Christ and through Christ, he offers forgiveness. His love rescues us from the misery of sitting in our messes with no hope of getting out of them.

J.D. Greear in his book, “Gospel” writes “In Christ, there is nothing I can do that would make you (God) love me more, and nothing I have done that makes you love me less.”

My response to this kind of love is to trust Him with all that I am and all that I have.

Trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understandings. In all our ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths. Proverbs 3:5-6.

Bruce Macek is pastor at Newman Community Bible Church, 9230 Sagle Road.