Saturday, June 01, 2024

Nordman's winter delays stage coach's arrival

by Compiled Marylyn Cork
| March 13, 2019 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago — 1919

Nordman winter

delays stage

We have to report about three feet of snow in the open, two feet of which has fallen within a week. As the amount of travel is small, the roads are almost impassable.

The Nordman stage arrived 24 hours late due to the bad roads. It brought scarcely any load and only the first class mail.

90 Years Ago — 1929

A heck of a mud hole

Walter Luce said he thinks it is a heck of a note to be the only one in the neighborhood with a team of horses, with the worst mud hole on the road from Priest River to Newport in front of his place — especially at night.

80 Years Ago — 1939

New town map planned

The village council has told Engineer Carter of Newport to go ahead in making a new town map for the approximate sum of $100. The map would be on a somewhat larger scale than the present one, which is almost obsolete. The new map would show the airport to the north and as far east as the Priest River bridge; it would take in the Great Northern railroad and the Pend Oreille river. The map would be a benefit into the future as it would show the exact location of all water and sewer lines, etc.

70 Years Ago — 1949

Birthday surprise

A surprise party was given at the John Caprai home in honor of Mr. Caprai’s birthday.

60 Years Ago — 1959

New retail division launched

Diamond Gardner has created a new division within its Inland Empire operations and has named a general manager to head it. The new division is the Northwest Retail Division. James O. Johnson has been promoted to head it. Diamond Gardner has two retail stores in the division at the present time, one in Spokane and another at Albeni Falls, Idaho.

50 Years Ago — 1969

Snowmobile races successful

The tranquil valleys and hills of Priest Lake were shaken up last weekend by the roar and bellow of snowmobiles as their drivers assaulted the race track laid out by the Priest Lake Sportsmen’s Association. A total of 57 snowmobiles were entered in three different classes, from as far away as Coeur d’ Alene, Spokane, Republic and Kellogg.

40 Years Ago — 1979

Just scraped by

A wet and dreary February may have dampened some spirits, but officials from the power companies must have heaved signs of relief for respite from the dry and frigid climatic conditions that preceded it. Power companies were only megawatts away from terminating service to industrial consumers in January, according to Dal Addington of Pacific Power and Light.

30 Years Ago — 1989

City streets crumbling

The effects of the cold snap that blasted into North Idaho in early February are still taking their toll. The streets are beginning to fall to pieces.

Street Commissioner Marty Perry made the first official street closure as she closed off a section of sixth and Beardmore Sunday. While Beardmore was marked with orange cones because of its m8-inch deep mud, other streets are being pushed apart from below.

20 Years Ago — 1999

Lehman honored

The Region One Forest Service has recognized Laclede resident Ed Lehman for his “outstanding effort” that resulted in the Idaho Wildlife Council, Region One, receiving the 1999 Conservation Education Outstanding Achievement Award for the Forest Service.

10 Years Ago — 2009

Meeting stirs up


The consensus for the Green Owl solid waste collection site on Peninsula Road? Get rid of it, said residents attending a Tuesday workshop.