Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| March 14, 2019 1:00 AM

I remember Ronald Reagan and how he made me feel. I was proud to have him as my president. At 18 I was able to vote for him in 1984 and I did. He was clearly a good man. No women accused him of sexually assaulting them, he was rarely accused of lying, and he was not overtly racist. The only ignorance I remember him showing was later revealed to be the result of early stages of dementia. He made me feel good and proud of my country.

I am currently limiting my time reading the news due to the ignorance, sexism, lies, infidelity,and blame that daily make the headlines. Of course, I am referring to our president. And even his guiding force, Fox News, on occasion, calls him on his lies and other shortcomings. Then he begins to turn on his own.

And let us not forget that a lot of intelligent and educated republicans have come out en force against this man. Can we as a community, as a country, say no to the disgusting representation of a man who surrounds himself with people who are heading to prison or are already there? What a coward, letting those around him go to jail while he continues his lies.

It is unconscionable to me that there are people who support this man today. I get it if you are a recruiter for a white supremacist group. That totally makes sense. But how does a father of a daughter justify the behaviors of our current president? Why should we now have to censure the news before our kids read or watch it?

