Saturday, June 01, 2024

Finding a place in the world through the cross, God's love

by Hollis Stewart
| March 22, 2019 1:00 AM

Jesus said in John 14 :3-4, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. For you know the way to the place where I am going.”

Where is this place Jesus speaks of? It is heaven, where man can spend eternity in the love of God. What is the way Jesus speaks of? It is the cross. If man accepts the grace of the cross and the price that Jesus paid there for humanity, he can spend eternity with his creator.

How does one do this? It is simple. Bring your sins, your pain and your suffering to the cross. With an earnest heart, ask Christ for forgiveness and healing. The blood of the Lamb will set you free.

Once you are free how do you keep your freedom? By showing the unconditional love to humanity that Christ showed you from the cross. Simply love your fellow man to the best of your ability, the way Christ loved humanity. Then you will be walking with your Savior until he takes you home.

Hollis Stewart is an intern minister with the Church of God in Sandpoint.