Saturday, June 01, 2024

No headline

| March 26, 2019 1:00 AM

Our legislative representatives in Boise tell us that they care about the Idaho Constitution and yet their actions tell us that they do not. Senate Bill 1159 will make it all but impossible for the citizens of Idaho to use our constitutional right to create laws through the citizens’ ballot initiative process.

These same legislator tell us that they care about the lives of Idahoans and yet their actions tell us that they, in fact, do not. They allowed hundreds of Idahoans to die for six years while they did nothing to close the insurance gap. Now that Medicaid expansion is the law, the Legislature is actively trying to hamstring it even though Idaho voters passed this law by a 61 percent landslide victory.

In order for an initiative law to pass in Idaho, a majority of Republican voters must vote yes. What are legislators afraid of then? Are they afraid that citizens will continue to bring policy changes to Idaho that actually help people? Are they afraid that these successful initiatives will expose the fact that Idaho legislators care more about the Koch-backed agenda that the Idaho Freedom Foundation pushes on them each year than they do about the lives of ordinary Idahoans?

Watch the actions of Sage Dixon and Heather Scott this week to see if they choose to protect the Idaho Constitution with a no vote SB 1159. Their actions will speak louder than their words.

Call Brad Little at 208-334-2100 and ask him to veto SB 1159.

