Saturday, June 01, 2024

Lions Club's tennis court project moving forward

by Compiled Marylyn Cork
| March 27, 2019 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago — 1919

Boat building on Priest Lake

A shipment of high grade timber arrived express the first of this week to be used in the construction of a boat on Priest Lake by Howard Simpson.

90 Years Ago — 1929

Did you know?

Say, folks, do you know the buttercups have been out for over a week?

80 Years Ago — 1939

From Bodie Canyon

It is trying to be spring. Most of the snow and ice are gone except in thick timber and shade. Frosty and cold each night. As the water from the snow all soaked into the ground, we can start plowing next week if it don’t freeze up again. There is one-to four cars stuck in each mud hole.

70 Years Ago — 1949

Fire quenched

in pool room

A fire alarm was turned in about 2 a.m. Sunday when fire was discovered raging in the pool room which adjoins the Log Cabin, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Lubow. Fire bombs held down the blaze until the fire truck arrived. The local fire department had the fire under control within 10 minutes.

60 Years Ago — 1959

Business news

The Priest River Lumber Company will start operation April 1 after a shutdown since the first of the year. Robert Doolittle is the manager.

V. Glenn Snider, formerly assistant cashier of the Idaho First National bank in Sandpoint, has been appointed to the position of manager of the bank’s office in Priest River. Emmett Gibb, manager since Nov. 1, 1955, asked to be relieved as manager and will take duties in the bank’s head office.

50 Years Ago — 1969

Lake tavern owner dies

Funeral services for Ward Adams, 76, will be held Thursday afternoon from the Sherman Chapel in Newport, with interment in Evergreen Cemetery. Born in Atlilia, Italy, he was owner-operator of The Cedars tavern at Priest Lake. His wife, Millie, preceded him in death in January of this year.

40 Years Ago — 1979

Tennis court project proceeding

Terrific news was brought to the Lions Club about their tennis court project by Bruce Vonada Monday night, including the news that in the process of gaining matching funds, the project has grown to include two courts, a picnic area with tables and perhaps barbecues, horse shoe pits and a parking lot.

30 Years Ago — 1989

Students place second

Priest River Junior High School traveled to Coeur d’ Alene Saturday to participate in the Odyssey of the Mind program and came away with a second-place finish. This was the first time for a Priest River school to become involved in the nonprofit program that “promotes divergent thinking in students from kindergarten through college.”

20 Years ago — 1999

District 83 has a home

West Bonner County School District No. 83 now has a central office location. On a motion by Bill Boyd Wednesday night, the Board of Trustees voted to rent a space for $500 a month in Rivertown Mall as the district’s temporary home. It is probably not large enough to be other than a short-term site, board chairman Eric Eldenburg said.

10 Years Ago — 2009

Facing the recession

With sobering updates about the economy, job losses and budget cuts, it’s not surprising that the 2009/2010 budget is a top priority for West Bonner County School District. A special budget workshop will be held on March 25, and almost assuredly, the board may ask voters for a levy to help make ends meet.