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| March 28, 2019 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, ID 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

March 28, 1969 — PERKS SONS HERE

Chris and George Perks arrived home over the weekend to spend this week visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perks.

George has 10 days prior to boarding his ship for further training with Calhoon Marine Engineers School, Baltimore, Md. Chris is on spring vacation from Lower Columbia College, Longview, Wash.



Roy Metcalf, 326 St. Claire, has a guinea pig that gave birth to five babies Monday. Metcalf says it is unusual for a mother of this species to deliver more than two babies in her first litter. Another guinea pig had a litter of four the same day and Metcalf now has a total of 17 guinea pigs, all pure white. The young mother is doing well, despite her large litter. Metcalf named the animals Enie, Menie, Minie, Mo and NoMo.



Brownies of Troop 168 visited the House of Flowers greenhouse Monday afternoon, with troop leaders Mrs. Dallard Johnson, Mrs. Melvin Madsen and Mrs. David Rud.

Ozzie Vallieres, proprietor of the greenhouse, took the several girls through the business and explained many of the plants and flowers to them. As they left, Vallieres presented each Brownie with a carnation.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

March 28, 1919 — SUMMER SESSION?

Several parents suggested to Superintendent Park the advisability of having a summer school for some of the lower grade children who were forced out of school last winter by reason of the influenza ban. If there is sufficient demand for a session, plans will be made. Those desiring a summer school term are asked to communicate at once with Mr. Parks so the question may be taken up at the next school board meeting.



The students have been suffering this week under an attack of exams.



The former city hall court room is undergoing a considerable change preparatory to its being opened for a ladies’ public waiting room. The platforms for judge and jury have been removed, a toilet room connected with the apartment, and the walls kalsomined in white. The rest room will be furnished almost entirely with furniture from the commercial club, including numerous chairs and rockers and a considerable collection of wall pictures, mostly of scenes around Lake Pend d’Oreille. Mrs. L.B. Brooks, president of the Civic league is in charge of the improvements and states the room will probably be opened for the public in a week or ten days.

For more information, visit the museum online at