Saturday, June 01, 2024

Be on lookout for Pack River turtles

| May 5, 2019 1:00 AM

The weather is warming up and the turtles are on the move again.

As you may remember for the past two years, turtle-crossing signs were put up by the Idaho Transportation Department on the Pack River bridge area on Highway 200. Regrettably, someone has stolen them again (that makes four signs).

The signs are all gone now and won’t be replaced due to the cost of replacing them. This is according to my source from the highway department.

The turtles can look like rocks if you’re not aware they cross the highway in this area. The signs served as a heads-up so motorists could be watchful of them.

So why do they cross the road? They live in the water, but lay their eggs in the mud or sandy shoulders of roads. If you spot a turtle on the road and can safely help them.

Here is how you can help these little western painted turtles. You can carry them by their shell by holding it with both hands on the edges in the middle where the little claws can’t reach you. If you can tell which direction they are traveling, carry it towards that side of the road and well away from traffic.

Please watch out for these little guys.

