Saturday, June 01, 2024

'Yes' vote is an investment in our children, future

| May 15, 2019 1:00 AM

Please vote “Yes” on May 21st for the West Bonner County School District supplemental levy. The proposed two-year, 2019-2021 maintenance and operations levy replaces the current levy. Despite juggling increased costs including unfunded mandates, WBCSD has held the levy amount flat since 2013 in response to voter concerns. Your WBCSD levy taxes though have seen a decrease of over 16 percent from 2017 to an expected $1.47 levy rate per $1000 net market value.

In voting, “yes,” you are investing in our community’s youth and future. Recognizing that improvements and adjustments are always needed, we must work together, not at odds with one another, to ensure that we have a vibrant community where young people want to stay, return or move to with their families; a place where people want to potentially start and grow their businesses or dreams. To create such a community, a strong competitive, educational system is critical…and we cannot build it alone.

When young, others invested in my future, for which I am extremely thankful and appreciative. Most of these people, if not all, have since passed away. Despite not having children, it is crucial to me to support the next generations’ dreams and hope that those whose futures I invest in now will consider doing the same for their “next” generations, if and when, such opportunities arise.

Thank you for voting “yes” by absentee ballot deadlines or on May 21 at your local precinct.


Priest Lake