Saturday, June 01, 2024

Turning potential into action, reality

by Greg Barnes
| May 24, 2019 1:00 AM

Some years ago I was studying and doing some research for an upcoming Sunday morning junior high school class when I read again a very familiar passage in Genesis: “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27).

I had to stop and think that if God created us in His own image then He sees in us His own potential for godliness. Have you ever thought about the potential God sees in you? When we are young we all have dreams about our life, what we will be when we grow up. Even when we are grownups we still have some of those dreams about our future. However, I wonder how many times God speaks and whispers His dreams for us into our hearts and we don’t hear Him or just don’t want to listen.

Despite what many well-meaning people say, not everyone is a child of God. The Bible is very clear that we are sons and daughters of God only because of a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Our potential begins there, but there is so much more. A committed relationship with Jesus Christ is essential for God to turn the potential in us into His reality.

I’m sure that at one time Peter thought his real potential was to be the finest fisherman on the Sea of Galilee, but what Jesus saw in Peter was of much greater worth. Paul, or Saul as he was called then, was sure he had the potential to be a great and powerful Pharisee within the Jewish faith. He studied under the greatest rabbi of the time, Gamaliel, and he was a rising star admired by the great and influential people in Jerusalem, but God saw even more potential in Saul.

Far too often I believe we forget that we are made in the image of God and that He has bigger plans for us than we could ever imagine. I’m not talking about fame, fortune, or even local notoriety. The potential that God sees in us for His kingdom might even make our life difficult and threatening.

In fact, when we think about all the prophets, most of them were killed because they lived up to the potential that God had for them. All but one of the apostles met a martyr’s end for the same reason. Some of the early church fathers like Polycarp, Clement of Rome, and Ignatius, were killed because of the potential in them that God turned into action through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Now, mind you, I’m not looking forward to a martyr’s death any more than the next person. I am curious, however, if I am listening to the whisper of God. He is calling me to reach for the potential He sees in my life because Jesus calls me to be His image-bearer, to represent Him in my own neighborhood and in my own walk of life, whatever that may be. I am also well aware of my own weaknesses in living up to what God sees in me, but Scripture reminds me that “the Spirit helps us in our weakness … because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God” (Romans 8:26-27).

Remember when Elijah ran and hid because Ahab and Jezebel were killing off all the prophets in Israel? Elijah thought that he couldn’t possibly live up to what God called him to, but that is exactly when he heard the still small voice of the Lord reminding him that it is God who turns potential into reality.

God still speaks and He is calling us to reach for the potential He sees in us. He created us in His own image; therefore He calls us to live up to what He created us to be. My idea of my potential is miniscule compared to what God sees in me, but since God sees that potential in all of us, He will give us exactly what we need to turn potential into action. “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).

Never forget that God sees more in you than you could ever imagine. Yield yourself to Christ and live up to your full potential!

Greg Barnes ministers at New Song Bible Church. He can be reached at; 470250 Highway 95, Sagle; or 208-265-2553.