Saturday, June 01, 2024

A vote for leadership and political diversity

| November 1, 2019 1:00 AM

Having attended Tuesday’s candidates forum, I was quite impressed with those standing for election. I would be proud to have each of them represent me in local government. But with more candidates than open seats, I face tough choices. To this aim, I would like to share my thoughts.

Two principles will guide me. The first is leadership. What I seek is a mayorship and City Council headed by strong-willed individuals immersed in the technical demands of planning, able to navigate among the legal and policy requirements of their posts, and steadfastly devoted to decision making in the face of opposition. Currently, Sandpoint has a mayor and president of the City Council that meet each of these criteria. Their eloquence despite differences suggest a great loss were we to lose either of them.

The second is political diversity. Sandpoint sports a wide range of demographics in terms of age, careers, and backgrounds. If it is to truly represent the community, the City Council must reflect that diversity. We should ensure a forum in which a wide range of perspectives are voiced with a cacophony reflective of her constituents. Such representation will refine leadership in a way that optimizes accountability. While harmony is tempting, I will instead vote for the kind of diversity that reflects my own purpled perspectives.

If democracy is to mean anything, we must empower a wider range of voices going forward. In doing so, we can achieve a more robust quality of unity. E pluribus unum.

