Saturday, June 01, 2024

Rognstad, school district have earned our support

| November 1, 2019 1:00 AM

As a 27-year Sandpoint businessowner I have witnessed the city and school district overcome major challenges. Their improvements are impressive and impactful community-wide.

Abe Lincoln’s quote, “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be” helped me make up my mind to support Mayor Rogstad’s re-election and make the needed supplemental levy funding permanent.

I see my support as an investment in community, not a tax or obligation. Voting ‘for’ something vs against something is an obligation, one I wish all would accept, and take thoughtful action.

I prefer to be part of a unified community, together, capturing positive momentum to liberate our potential.

Why be an endlessly contentious community? Is there no end to the voices of dissatisfaction, from people who have little history here, have not participated in local public service or volunteerism. I’m tired of reading the enraged opinions of those who rarely attend public meetings, make no attempts to establish relationship with people in position nor have an understanding of the systems that are part of the process. People who are bent on being obstructionists add nothing to our quality of life.

Their arrogance tops their lack of involvement, believing they can improve Sandpoint without needed skills.

Show some appreciation for the challenges we’ve overcome, the solutions yet to come, and the real quality of life we can give our community through unity and ethical behavior through responsibility, caring, integrity, and selflessness. Mayor Rognstad has paid his dues as a business owner, and served in city government, is a committed family man, taking insightful action toward our future. He and our school district have earned our support.

Angela Oakes Cochran
