Saturday, June 01, 2024

Sandpoint issues should be decided by Sandpoint residents

| November 1, 2019 1:00 AM

I have noticed that most of the letters supporting Ken Lawrence for mayor are from people who don’t live in Sandpoint. Why do these outsiders want to tell those of us who live in Sandpoint what is best for us, how to live our lives and who to vote for?

What bothers these outsiders most is the fact that Sandpoint is an island of liberal inclusion, tolerance, diversity and cognitive flexibility within those outsiders’ sea of self-righteous conservative exclusionism and elitist holier-than-thou attitudes.

These outsiders look down their elitist noses with a smug sense of moral superiority because they consider themselves to be superior to those who don’t share their beliefs.

I have a blunt message for those of you who think this way … you are delusional.

By the way, recently when given questions to answer, Lawrence, without saying so directly, indicated he supports guns at the Festival.

