Saturday, June 01, 2024

Positive reminders, not threats would be more effective

| November 10, 2019 12:00 AM

Recently, my daughter called me to ask if I knew I had a bright yellow/greenish sticker on my car. I had no idea what it was and went out in front to look. Sure enough, I had a notice of intention to tow my car. It had a compliance date on it. I was, evidently, obstructing the snow plow.

Unless I missed something, it hasn’t snowed in Sandpoint yet and the next two weeks are posted to be in the 50s. So, I marched down to the police department and they were kind enough to call the officers in for me to talk to them directly. The officers came and I waged my complaint. They had made a judgment call that my car hadn’t moved in a long time because there were pine cones around the car. I pointed out that I move the car more than once a day and I have pine trees and it’s been very windy. They didn’t seem to care much, but at my request, the community resource officer reluctantly apologized.

This is my point: Rather than aggravate and harass the residents with threats of towing their vehicles long before necessary, a sticky note on the windshield as a reminder, would suffice.

If the community resource officers want to serve the community, then do it in a positive way. This just angered me.

