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Sandpoint cross country end of season awards

| November 19, 2019 12:00 AM

Sandpoint cross country held its end of season awards night last Wednesday.

Below is a list of the awards given out at the event.

Scholastic Award (given to varsity seniors with highest GPAs): Paige Davidson 4.34 GPA and Seth Graham 4.28 GPA.

Most Valuable Runners (by points at meets. Shows translation of year round work, commitment, devotion. Success in distance running is no accident, it is day in and day out devotion and leading by example): Girls team — Paige Davidson and Bionce Vincent. Boys team — Nikolai Braedt (who also received a medal for setting a new school record).

Coaches’ Awards (outstanding contributions to team, devotion to team and training): Maddie Morgan, Megan Oulman, Ara Clark, Seth Graham, Jett Lucas, Trey Clark and Dakota Wilson.

Will Johnson/Most Inspirational/Motivational (recipients inspire team unity and represent the team in every way): Chloe Pierce, Camille Neuder and Keegan Nelson.

Most Improved (current varsity runner who over the last two plus years has made huge leaps due to their consistency of training and commitment to the team): Girls — Mackenzie Suhy-Gregoire from 26:48 last year as a freshman to 20:56 this season. Boys — Gabe Christman from 19:34 as a freshman to 16:05 as a senior.

Captains Awards: Girls — Paige Davidson and Bionce Vincent. Boys — Gabe Christman, Nikolai Braedt and Jett Lucas.