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Abbey hosting 'Dharma Day' on Dec. 8

| November 22, 2019 12:00 AM

In today’s chaotic and competitive world, it’s hard to notice how others contribute to our well-being. Yet, from the Buddhist point of view, we constantly benefit from others’ efforts — even people we don’t know. Sravasti Abbey’s Sharing the Dharma Day offers a look at the kindness of others on Sunday, Dec. 8, from 9:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. Open to people from all backgrounds and spiritual traditions, the day’s events include guided meditation, a teaching on the topic, vegetarian potluck lunch, and facilitated discussion.

Sravasti Abbey is a Tibetan Buddhist monastery near Newport, Wash. In addition to meditation and teachings, the day’s schedule provides ample opportunity to meet new people, tour the Abbey grounds and forest, and get to know the Abbey nuns and monk. The program is offered freely, and donations as well as food offerings for the community are accepted.

The first session begins at 9:45 a.m., vegetarian potluck lunch is at noon, and the program ends at 3:00. Please bring food to share for lunch, avoiding onions, garlic, and leeks as well as meat, fish, or chicken. Dress is casual, although modesty is appropriate for a monastic environment. Short skirts and shorts are discouraged.

All are welcomed; friendly curiosity and openness to learn are the only pre-requisites.

Sravasti Abbey is located at 692 Country Lane, Newport. For more information and directions call 509-447-5549 or email Find additional information about Sravasti Abbey at