Saturday, June 01, 2024

We must call on Congress to reinstate weapons ban

| September 8, 2019 1:00 AM

In the wake of the most recent mass shooting in West Texas, by a man using a military-style (assault) rifle, the state’s Republican governor said, “The status quo in Texas is unacceptable. Action is needed.”

In the landmark D.C. vs. Heller case, the Supreme Court in 2008 — in a 5-4 split decision — ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm, but it also reaffirmed that the right to bear arms is not unlimited. Former Justice John Paul Stevens became an increasingly vocal critic of the Heller case decision — which he termed the “court’ s gravest error during his 35-year tenure. “As history has demonstrated in recent years, the tragedies are multiplying one after another. And the decision of the court in Heller has contributed to that, ”he told “Time Magazine”.

Seven states have assault weapons bans and, according to former President Bill Clinton, “The one thing that we know that can reduce the number and the death tolls of mass shootings … is reinstituting the ban on assault weapons and the limit on high capacity magazines that was in effect from 1994-2004. The results were clear — mass shooting fatalities declined while they were in effect, and have risen sharply since they were allowed to lapse.”

Despite their apparent ties to the NRA, we must urge our U.S. senators and congressmen to reinstate this weapons ban.

