Saturday, June 01, 2024

Good health is a matter of day to day choices

| September 25, 2019 1:00 AM

Are you one of those people who begin a weight loss program — but only after you have gained weight and repeated comments about how you need to do something?

Are you one of those people who fight a cold — but only after you are sick, coughing and sneezing?

Are you one of those people who begin seeking alternative health care options — but only after you are diagnosed with some disease or illness?

What if I told you that your daily nutritional efforts really do make a difference? Would you pay attention to the chemicals that you are putting into your body if you knew what they were doing to you?

Just because your food choice comes in a pretty box or sleek, easy to carry pop-top canister, it doesn’t mean it is nutritionally the best choice you should make.

Read your labels and understand what you are putting in your mouth.

Perhaps if you took more responsibility for what you are consuming, you wouldn’t be overweight, fatigued, or sick and tired all the time.

The choice is up to you! Do you want to be healthy or would you rather be unhealthy? Or, maybe you are one of those that lean on the excuse of time. You don’t have time to be healthy because you are too busy being … busy.

You work full-time, take care of your children, run the entire house and do two loads of laundry every night just to keep up. Here’s a news flash, we all do that!

Stop making excuses and start making decisions. Do your cells a favor and ingest some nutrition.

Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness trainer and she can be reached at nataliedreger1@gmail. com