Saturday, June 01, 2024

Speak up in defense of your rights

| April 4, 2021 1:00 AM

Are we all just sitting and ignoring what is happening around us? When will we stand up, to the deception and lies that permeate the mainstream news media, including some of what we read in the Daily Bee. It seems that we are complacent. Are we allowing the illegitimate politicians in DC, who are acting out a poorly scripted Marxist movement against America and Americans, get away with this? I for one, will not let our Constitution in our Nation or our State, be taken over or altered, with this Socialist/Marxist behavior and crimes against our rights and freedoms. I plan to become more vocal, as I ask all law abiding Constitution loving Americans to also become. I let our local representative know what I am thinking, on a regular basis. I suggest you do this as well. We cannot continue participating in all of these liberty stifling actions against Americans. Speak Out. Speak UP. Speak Now. Never lose the freedom to exert your First Amendment Rights!!!

More thoughts to come.

