Saturday, June 01, 2024

Foresters say market for lodgepole is strong

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| April 14, 2021 1:00 AM

20 Years Ago — 200l

Spartan Thinclads win twice

Priest River’s boys racked up 94 points Saturday to win the Kellogg Invitational meet. After outscoring Kellogg and Timberlake in duals earlier in the week, the Priest River boys’ squad proved their dominance on a larger scale to take home the first-place trophy. The Spartans shone in both the track and on the field taking first place in the pole vault, shot put, 100-meter dash, and 4x400 relay.

30 Years Ago — 1991

Twister hits barn

A tornado the size of a football field blasted through the Kaniksu Stock Ranch April 9, leaving a barn in rubble. The whirling winds arose near the Pend Oreille River and caused an estimated $100,000 in damage.

40 Years Ago — 1981

Winds down lines

High winds Sunday kept power company crews busy and forced closure of Schweitzer ski facilities. The winds, estimated at about 55 miles per hour, carried considerable dust and volcanic ash. Falling trees took out several power lines. Interstate 90 in Washington was closed for several hours.

50 Years Ago — 1971

New businesses open

Three new businesses are set to open soon in the area: Jim and Bobbie Ward, Selkirk Electric at the east end of the Oldtown Bridge; Mr. And Mrs. Carl Cliff, “laundercenter” adjacent to the IGA; and John and Vera Radan, the C & C Café.

60 Years Ago — 1961

State to operate Albeni Cove

The state of Idaho, Department of Public Lands, has applied to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers for a license to operate Albeni Cove for use as a public park and recreational area. License was granted and became effective on April 4, 1961, to run for 25 years. This area has been developed over the past few years by the Corps of Engineers with the cooperation of the Newport Chamber of Commerce.

70 Years Ago — 1951

A market for lodgepole

As soon as a spur track on the Great Northern can be secured at Oldtown, the Crown-Zellerbach Co. Will start buying lodgepole pine in this section. The corporation plans to buy the jackpine at about $12 per cord. It is to be round, eight feet long, four inches minimum, and 20 inches maximum diameter. Farmers and woodlot owners welcome this market for the specie which heretofore has had no market value.

80 Years Ago — 1941

Leases golf course

C. S. Bartlett has taken a two-year lease on the golf course which has been under construction for the past few months by W. O. Booher of the Bungalow Inn.

90 Years Ago — 1931

Preparing for summer

Dad Slee arrived in Coolin to start painting boats in preparation for the fishing season. Mrs. Grace Byars has reported the lease of the Byars’ summer resort, Forest Lodge, at the head of the lake, to Bert Pette of Spokane.

100 Years Ago — 1921

Will pitch in Tacoma

Mr. And Mrs. Rex Hydorn left Saturday for Spokane. Rex is going on to Tacoma where he will pitch for the ball team this summer. Mrs. Hydorn will visit Spokane relatives.