Saturday, June 01, 2024

Legislature rightly returning our funds to us

| April 18, 2021 1:00 AM

Nadine Dilworth states that the legislator's purpose in HB 332 is to "let the legislators steal our tax money and further enrich corporations."

So I read the bill. The 2021 Tax Relief Bill reduces all income tax brackets which will provide Idahoans with $169.4 million in ongoing tax relief. Furthermore, there will be a one-time sales tax/income tax rebate, returning $220 million to Idaho taxpayers.

The facts don't support Dilworth's claims. I am an Idaho taxpayer and I thank God I don't live in a tax-and-spend state like California or New York. Idaho is returning money to taxpayers. What a novel concept. The taxpayer funds are mine. They are being returned to me, the Legislature can hardly be seen as enriching corporations and their donors, as alleged. Thank you, Idaho legislators.

