Saturday, June 01, 2024

Jalon Peters is best pick for library board

| April 20, 2021 1:00 AM

The board members of our library have made it clear that they feel no obligation to represent all of the property taxpaying people of Bonner County.

The most recent example is their refusal to end the mask mandate despite the fact that there is no state or county mask mandate. Rather than giving library patrons the option of wearing a mask or not, EBCLD Director Ann Nichols has been quoted in local publications demeaning and belittling those who are against the library’s mask mandate. She said, ”They think it’s unconstitutional but it isn’t. Libraries can set their policies when it comes to health.” I find this attitude interesting as she clearly has no interest in serving all of the people in Bonner County and the divisive “they” comment is telling. I think it’s time to make some changes on the library board and we can do that on May 18.

Jalon Peters is running for the library board. He has worked in administration in the private sector and understands that treating all customers (aka taxpayers) with courtesy, common sense and in a manner that doesn’t infringe on their constitutional rights helps the library to function in a way that inclusive rather than exclusive. This is the reason I am casting my vote for Jalon Peters on May 18.

