Saturday, June 01, 2024

A love letter to Mother Earth

by PHIL HOUGH Contributing Writer
| April 22, 2021 1:00 AM

Dear Mother Earth,

What a year it has been! Last April as the COVID-19 pandemic ramped up many of us went home in isolation from each other and, at first, from you. We struggled with adapting to new ways to work, to attend school, to have dinner and to pursue our happiness amid a cloudy future. Individuals living alone became isolated, living like hermits. Families and their new found closeness brought both joy and struggles.

Unsure of when, where and whether we could go out we stayed close to home, working and worrying. Days were filled with uncertainty, stress and sadness. Last April, most people simply sheltered in place to ride out the COVID storm. Many did not venture far from their own backyards. In those early pandemic days you didn’t see much of us. So, you may have felt a bit lonely, too. But we knew you would be there when we needed it most.

Last summer you opened your arms wide. Especially the public lands you hold. From your lakes and rivers to your forests, canyons, mountains we found safety, solace and sanity in getting out of doors. With conferences, concerts, sporting games and other large events cancelled, we had more time to explore the wonders of your creation. We returned to favorite places and sought out new ones. Many of your children discovered your trails for the first time. You were there for us when we needed a place to restore our sense of balance, reduce our stress and connect to others in small groups in safe ways.

We know that this took a toll on you, although you did not complain. I am hoping my siblings will join me in helping to restore you in the coming months. You deserve some special treatment for all you have done in the last year. If we all do our part to help keep you on good shape, then I know we can continue to count on you in the months and years ahead.

Last year on Earth Day, your birthday, most events were canceled. It’s not that we didn’t care, we just couldn’t gather together. Like so many other relatives you had to put up with the “Zoom” parties held in your honor. We know it’s not the same, and for some Zoom will need to continue to be the way that they wish you the best. But, this year it also looks like we may be able to hold a few smaller gatherings. And we can keep the celebration going all summer!

Your devoted son.

Here are some thoughts on how we can all help out Mother Earth to make sure she stays in good shape to help us.

Participate in an Earth Day event, whether it's online or outside. Take a personal action that makes a difference. If we all do something, no matter what it is, it will make a difference.

A good practice for us all is to learn more about the “leave no trace” principles:

Consider volunteering for a trail project to restore your favorite trail. Here in our neck of the woods we have many local trails organizations to choose from. Montana Wilderness Association, the Cube Iron Cataract Coalition, several Backcountry Horsemen of America Chapters, 9B Trails, Pend Oreille Pedalers, Idaho Trails Association and the Washington Trails Association to name a few.

And close to my heart is the Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness. You can lead a hike, help maintain trails or educate others about wildlife as a trail ambassador. Learn more at

Phil Hough is the executive director of the Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness.



Katie Raborn-Dale, one of the trail ambassadors for the Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness poses for a photo.



Brita Olson and Matt Nykiel work on a trail in the Goat Mountain area.