Saturday, June 01, 2024

If we all wear a mask, then everyone wins

| April 25, 2021 1:00 AM

If you feel so strongly about not wearing a mask in the library, that is certainly your choice, but asking you to wear a mask is not an infringement of your rights. Many library services are still available to you either online or delivered to you at the door. We are very fortunate to have excellent libraries in Sandpoint and Clark Fork and the Bookmobile for in between. Take a deep breath, put on a mask and enjoy yourself.

In grade school, a long time ago, I learned about airborne illness; cover your cough, wash your hands and stay home if you are ill. We have long known that a mask is another way to prevent infection, COVID has taught us the importance of doing so. Why would anyone not want to protect themselves and others? We all have to choose our battles, but if we wear a mask everyone wins. It may even hasten the day we can put them aside.

