Saturday, June 01, 2024

Vote to keep Flint, Asche on library board

| April 29, 2021 1:00 AM

I am writing in response to Jodi Gidding's letter. She and I were neighbors and had pleasant conversations on our front lawn, so I feel I can respectfully address and correct a few misconceptions.

It’s important that Jodi and everyone know, last year the trustees voted unanimously to forgo the usual levy increase. We recognized the economic hardship the pandemic has created for our community. We agreed it was important to provide what relief we could. In budget discussions for this coming year, we are doing the same. We want to do our part to help taxpayers. Those who have been to meetings and exchanged emails with the trustees know that we respectfully listen to all voices. Not agreeing is not the same as not listening.

Jodi shared her experience at our April board meeting. A Zoom link, a screen placed outside, and an open door were our good faith effort to accommodate those who chose not to wear masks and come inside. Without Jumbotron screens, we did our best. The May meeting will be completely via Zoom so everyone can have much more comfortable access.

Jodi endorsed one candidate. All candidates will work for the people, advocate for personal freedoms, and decreased taxation.

The May 18 election offers an opportunity to re-elect trustees with the values, experience, and qualifications to support our wonderful library. Amy Flint and Jeanine Asche have done a terrific job of public service for our library and will continue to do so.  

