Saturday, June 01, 2024

It is time to wake up to dangers of critical race theory

| August 3, 2021 1:00 AM

Hello America and all Americans,

It is time to wake and I do not mean woke up, either.

If you are woke up, you are sick beyond belief and need serious mental counseling.

The National Education Association, NEA, which I belong to and have stood up to, for the past 20 years, is gone down the wrong rabbit hole and followed it all the way to hell.

They have just approved (from what I believe to be reliable sources) the indoctrination bull...., that is to teach all K-12 students racist theory and made up history, to divide and brainwash the weak.

This curriculum is called critical race theory, CRT. It is also being called social justice theory, SJT.

Do not let this sick, manipulative lie filled garbage enter into our schools. Parents, like no time in the past, it is time for you to protect your children from this horrific garbage, filled with lies, and made up false information filled with hate.

History is history. We can all learn from the true facts, dates, places, times, and people, that have brought us to the here, in this time now! Never can we, or should we alter historical facts. Yet that is exactly what CRT/SJT is planning to do.

There are many many sick people, right now in leadership positions throughout our great country, who want to see this marxist hate speech taught to our young. Do not let this happen!

If you love America and the beauty of who we have  been and currently are, stand up and speak against this horror now. Do it now. Do not ignore this!

