Saturday, June 01, 2024

Tell me about your politics, not your faith

| August 10, 2021 1:00 AM

Why is it that human beings go from one extreme to the other? Why not work toward a midpoint balance?

Ever heard of “separation of church and state”? Why then do so many potential candidates for office start with the statement, “I’m a Christian …”? I don’t care your religion, I want to know what your politics are. Will you really represent the people that voted for you or will you stick to ‘the party’ line?

In my opinion, the following people have absolutely no business running for office and pretending to represent the voters: Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin (get a job where you’re not just spouting the far,far- right agenda and instead represent all people of Idaho); Priscilla Giddings of white Bird, you’re running for Lt. Gov., what a joke ( you outed a 19 year old for filing a rape charge against a member of your party, giving out her email, home address, phone #, etc. (you don’t represent anything other than the party line); Ammon Bundy and Scott Herndon, hit the road and don’t you come back no more, oh yeah and please take Heather Scott, and Steve Bradshaw with you.

Any of you folks heard the phrase, “A woman’s right to choose”? “No abortion for any reason” be it incest or rape or whatever according to Scott Herndon. There are over 400,000 children in the foster care system on any given day in the U.S., think about it.

