Saturday, June 01, 2024

Firefighters battle blaze in Tweedie area

| August 18, 2021 1:00 AM

20 Years Ago — 2001

Lookout fire growing

Heavy winds over the weekend sent flames licking over 500 acres of Lookout Mountain. Meanwhile, things were looking up on the other side of the lake. The largest fire, the 19-acre Granite blaze four miles northwest of Nordman was 10 percent contained, while three smaller fires were brought under control. The Blacktail fire, four miles west of Beaver Creek, was extinguished.

30 Years Ago — 1991

Pair escape injury

Two campers at Priest Lake were injured and several fires across North Idaho were started early Saturday morning, as an electrical storm wrecked its way across northern Idaho. The campers, whose names were not released, were sleeping in a tent on Kalispell Island when lightning struck their camp. They were shaken but not seriously hurt.

40 Years ago — 1981

Drowns at McAbee Falls

A Spokane youth died Sunday afternoon after drowning in the waters of McAbee Falls. Boyce Bishop, 7, son of Boyce and Sue Anne Bishop of Spokane, had been swimming below the falls when he disappeared. Diver Gill Guise from the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office responded to the call and located the boy about 45 minutes later in 12 feet of water. CPR was unsuccessful. The drowning is the third incident in the area since April.

50 Years Ago — 1971

Salmo-Upper Priest toured

Trustees of the North Idaho Forestry Association accompanied Kaniksu National Forest officials on a ground and aerial tour of the Salmo Upper Priest area to get a first-hand look at what areas and programs would be initiated by various management programs proposed for the area. A wilderness area has been proposed by the Spokane Mountaineers hiking club.

60 Years Ago — 1961

Three injured when boat rams dam

Martin McFee, Spokane, was issued a citation for careless operation of a boat after hitting the 5th spillway at Albeni Falls Dam Saturday evening. The boat struck the spillway at about 35 mph and sank in 30 feet of water. Another party picked up the occupants immediately.

70 Years Ago — 1951

Nelson chosen mayor

Laurence Nelson was selected by his fellow councilmen to fill the office of mayor, made vacant by the recent death of Bob Dow.

80 Years Ago — 1941

Picnic to be held

Council 4777, Knights of Columbus, will sponsor a picnic Sunday Sept. 3, at St. Blanche’s church grounds, located on the Priest Lake highway north of Lamb Creek.

90 Years Ago — 1931

125 men man fire line

Threatened by a new fire menace as the result of the Tweedie blaze eating its way to the top of the range south of Priest River, the protective association has place 125 men on the fire line since Tuesday. Homes on the south side of the Pend d’Oreille will be in grave danger if Tuesday’s strong wind is repeated.

100 Years Ago — 1921

Bond election held

At the bond election held in district No. 9 in the Italian Settlement Aug. 15, the bonds were defeated., 18 voted for and one against. This leaves the district in a predicament. The bonds were to be used for erecting a new school building, as the old one has already been condemned.