Saturday, June 01, 2024

Probable cause found in lewd conduct case

Staff Writer | August 21, 2021 1:00 AM

Probable cause was found in a lewd conduct case against a Bonner County man.

Mantra Keenan Robinson, 19, is bound over by Magistrate Judge Justin Julian for three counts of lewd conduct, taking place at the end of July 2021. There were originally four counts of lewd conduct against Robinson, the state requested that two of the counts be combined into one count because they took place on the same day.

The father of the victim came forward to law enforcement on Aug. 2 after she admitted to having a sexual relationship with Robinson. The father ended the relationship, but Robinson continued to meet with the victim at her place of work.

By coincidence, Bonner County Sheriff’s Detective Mike Aerni was at the victim’s place of work when Robinson came to visit her.

Robinson is in custody with BCSO for previous sexual assault cases that are still in the court process. Before being detained, Robinson had a $250,000 warrant for his arrest. Charges against Robinson come from three separate cases from June through August 2020. There are four counts of rape, three counts of lewd conduct, and a count of child sexual abuse.

The victim from the most recent charges testified in Robinson’s preliminary hearing on Wednesday. She testified to meeting Robinson on City Beach on July 27. The assaults took place in the following three weeks when the two would meet with each other.

Robinson developed a pattern of assaulting his victims under cedar street bridge during the summer months. He would provide various substances to his victims, including marijuana, alcohol, and nicotine.

Judge Barbara Buchanan is presiding over all cases, even though it is unclear if they will be tried together in court. An arraignment for the most recent charges will be held on Aug. 30.